Let’s get back to work.
About EPRA
EPRA's unique vocational rehabilitation program focuses on building job skills and mastering the requirements of the workplace.
We believe that by returning individuals to work in an honest and dignified manner, the ideal of hope is communicated that recovery is possible.
EPRA is committed to the concept that meaningful employment is an integral part of continuous recovery.
An honest and realistic appraisal of the relationship of work to sobriety is required to attain what we call vocational recovery. EPRA believes that by returning the individual to work, in an honest and dignified manner, the ideal of hope is communicated that recovery from addiction is possible.
How It works
To start the process at EPRA, call (212) 947-1471.
We will conduct a quick screening with you, also known as our Intake, to gather some information about your background to establish eligibility.
Once the Telephone Intake is done, you will be invited to our Orientation, where we will provide you with information about EPRA and the Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES-VR).
EPRA's program is designed to support and provide you with the resources necessary for attaining employment. In order to qualify for our program you must meet the following admission criteria:
Total abstinence from alcohol and all illicit substances
Unemployed or underemployed
Over the age of 18+
A resident of one of the five boroughs of New York City
Ongoing involvement with treatment or recent successful completion
Housing and financial stability
Demonstrate appropriate level of insight and coping skills needed to address vocational issues in a group setting
Additional documentation may be needed (e.g., psychiatric and/or medical evaluation, proof of eligibility to work in the U.S., etc.)
EPRA's unique vocational rehabilitation program focuses on building job skills and mastering the requirements of the workplace, experiences that graduating clients can use to find and maintain employment during their recovery.
Our vocational rehabilitation program consists of:
EPRA is a comprehensive vocational rehabilitation program for individuals in recovery from substance and alcohol abuse. Our programs help clients explore vocational interests, identify transferable skills, re-enter the workforce, and sustain meaningful employment.
EPRA services have been developed, tested, and refined after years of program evaluation. Our ongoing focus is to conquer the common barriers faced by recovering individuals in their efforts to enter the workforce and, most importantly, listening to feedback from EPRA clients.
Our Services
Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation (DVE) & Career Exploration (CE) Program
Our Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation & Career Exploration Programs are offered each month and consists of group psych-educational work and individual sessions. Workskills assessments are given to determine academic and practical strengths and weaknesses
Job Readiness Training & Job Placement (JRT/JP)
Applicants demonstrating the ability to benefit from Job Readiness Training and/or Job Placement services work with an EPRA employment specialist on preparing for and accessing job opportunities.
Situational Assessment Program (SAP)
The Situational Assessment Program (SAP) offers clients the opportunity to participate in an internship in a chosen field of interest. Internships typically range from five to eight weeks with three days at an approved worksite and one day participating in process groups at EPRA.
Meet the Team
Let’s work together.
Are you looking for the perfect candidate to fill a position in your company? EPRA has what you’re looking for.
Help us get New Yorkers back to work and back to their lives. We appreciate all forms of generosity.
Client Testimonials